Amber Shewen

President, Principal HSE Professional, CRSP, CHSC

Before founding SHE Consulting, Amber worked in the private sector (open-pit and underground mining, construction and demolition industries),as well as with the Yukon Government and First Nations Governments. Amber began her OHS career with emergency response, later transitioning into loss prevention. Amber is very conscious of her shift from reaction to prevention. During her five years working for Suncor Energy, the mining division achieved 6.9 million hours without a lost time injury.

After conducting many investigations of incidents both major and minor, she’s learned that most were preventable if just one thing had been different. She sees that same shift happening throughout the region today. Working safely has become an expectation, not an option. Amber believes the culture in Western and Northern Canada has really grown, and advances in technology are making workplaces safer.

Currently, Amber oversees all aspects of occupational health and safety management for SHE’s federal, territorial and provincial clients.These include the development of Health and Safety programs, risk assessment, incident investigations, COR® audits and industrial hygiene. Streamlining systems to incorporate preventative maintenance, change management and risk mitigation into everyday activities minimizes potential down time from unplanned events.

“Our goal is to return workers home as good or better than when they show up for work.”
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